1. Hang out in groups. While Cancer prefers time spent alone or with trusted friends, being around new people can offer a diverse set of experiences and opinions, and can help Cancer conquer self-consciousness.
  2. Forgive. Like an elephant, loyal Cancer never forgets, especially when it’s a slight. But moving on from small issues (like being left off a text or overhearing a friend talk behind their back) can help this sign become more resilient.
  3. Volunteer. Cancers have a huge capacity for love and caring, but tend to be protective about how much energy they expend on others. Volunteering and giving back can help get them out of their heads.
  4. Share their feelings. With people whom they don’t know well, Cancers can act like martyrs, saying everything is fine when it clearly isn’t. Learning to speak up is a truly valuable lifelong lesson for the Crab.
  5. Let go. Cancer is the king or queen of ruminating, reliving, and regretting. That’s why letting go of the past in a healthy way—maybe via a ritual—is key for moving on and moving forward.